A Winter Wonderland

For a few days last week, Mineral Point was blanketed in a sea of foggy and frosty goodness. When the fog broke, the sky was a brightly colored brilliant blue and the frost remained throughout the day.

It was truly breathtaking.

We couldn’t stop running around the yard taking photos. Every place you looked was more picturesque than the last. It’s hard to even narrow down the photos to share.

Makes the cold temps and extra layers of protective clothing feel worth the extra hassle for sure.

I wasn’t sure what the condition was actually called (nor, if I’m being honest, did I even think about it) until I saw friends posting about rime ice on facebook.. but, yes. Rime ice was what everyone landed on and it seems to check out.

Most all were saying, “these are the most beautiful winter scapes I’ve ever seen” and I for one, couldn’t agree more.

Stay safe and warm out there! Oh, and happy 2021.

Cheers, Claire